XML Minifier

Formatted XML
Minified XML

Waiting for input.

XML Minifier

XML minifier is a simple online tool to minify XML, it minifies XML content by removing all indentation in the content. XML will be minified to a single line of string in this process. XML minifier is very simple tool which just remove spaces and line breaks in a given XML.

XML minification necessary to store the entire XML content in a single string field, pass it as parameter in components or over a network which will save bandwidth. In this process there will not be any change in data or schemas, so any XML parser can process the minified xml.

XML Minifier Usage

Below is beautifully formatted XML, just past your javascript similar to this in input and press format button.

<sitemapindex xmlns='http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9'>

Below is the minified XML

<sitemapindex xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9"><sitemap><loc>https://facia.dev/sitemap/sitemap-0.xml</loc></sitemap></sitemapindex>

You can also format the minified XML back using XML Formatter Online Tool.