XML Formatter

Input XML
Formatted XML

Waiting for input.

XML Formatter Options

XML Formatter Online Tool

XML beautifier, also known as an XML formatter, is a tool that takes an XML document and formats it so that it is more human-readable by adding indentation and line breaks. This makes it easier for people to read and understand the structure of the XML document. XML beautifier also prettifies it with syntax highlighter by highlight tag names, and it contents based on data type.

XML formatters is needed :

  • Readability: XML documents can be difficult to read and understand if they are not properly formatted, with indentation and line breaks added. A formatter can make the document more readable and easier to understand, making it easier to catch errors and identify patterns in the data.

  • Consistency: The formatter can ensure that all XML documents within a project or organization are formatted in a consistent manner. This can make it easier for developers to work with the documents and can also improve the overall maintainability of the codebase.

  • Validation: XML formatter also includes validation capabilities, which can check the well-formedness of the XML document, and validate the document. This can help catch errors early on, before they cause problems further down the line.

XML Formatter Features

This XML formatter supports the following features:

  1. Indentation and formatting of the XML document to make it more readable.
  2. Adding line breaks and whitespace to separate elements and attributes.
  3. Removing unnecessary whitespace and comments from the XML document.
  4. Syntax validation to ensure the XML document is well-formed and follows the correct syntax.
  5. Support for different formatting options such as indentation character, line-wrapping, and character encoding.
  6. Ability to format both large and small XML documents.

XML Beautifier Options

By default, XML beautifier is configured to use google style guide recommendations. You can always configure it to your need. Below are the exposed configuration options available.

  • Indentation Level - 2 Space Indent by default - The tags and contents are indented using 2 spaces.
  • Remove Empty Lines - Allows to keep 2 empty lines - Adds a line break and one black line between tokens/tags.
  • End with new line - Adds a new line to end of file.

XML Formatter Usage

Below is the uglified or compressed XML, just paste this the input and format it.

<sitemapindex xmlns='http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9'>

Below is the beautifully formatted XML

<sitemapindex xmlns='http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9'>

If you want to reverse this function, you can use XML Minifier Online Tool.