Javascript Minifier

Formatted Javascript
Minified Javascript

Waiting for input.

Javascript Minifier Options

Javascript Minifier

Javascript minifier is online tool to minify Javascript, it also supports JSX and TSX. Javascript minifier, minifies Javascript content by removing all indentation in the content. This advanced minifier supports ES5+ versions of javascript as well.

Javascript Minifier Options

By default, the javascript minifier minifies to achieve maximum minification so it can be directly used in production. Below are the exposed configuration options,

  • Preserve Comments - Preserve Comments lets you choose the comments to be removed.
  • ECMA Version - Javascript version needs to be linted and formatted.
  • Remove unwanted braces - Removes redundant braces to save space.
  • Keep class names unchanged - By default, class names will be changed to shorter unique alphabets.
  • Keep function names unchanged - By default, function names will be changed to shorter unique alphabets.

Javascript Minifier Usage

Below is beautifully formatted Javascript, just past your javascript similar to this in input and press format button.

/** Paste Javascript code without <script> tag, to format with <script> tag use HTML Formatter. */
alert("Welcome to !!!");
function sum(num1, num2) {
return num1 + num2;

Below is the minified Javascript

function sum(e,t){return e+t}alert("Welcome to !!!");

You can also format the minified Javascript back using Javascript Formatter Online Tool.