URL Decode

Encoded URL

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URL Decode Options

URL Decode Online Tool

URL Decode Online Tool is a web-based tool that allows users to decode encoded special characters in a URL back to their original format. It is a reverse process of URL encoding where special characters are replaced with a "%" symbol followed by two hexadecimal digits.

The process of using this URL Decode Online Tool is quite simple, user just need to paste the encoded URL in the input field provided by the tool and click the "Decode" button. The tool will then display the decoded URL in the output field.

This tool is useful for developers, website owners, and marketers who want to ensure that their URLs are properly decoded before use. They can be used to test and debug website issues related to URLs.

It's important to mention that not all characters in a URL need to be encoded, and this tool will decode only the encoded characters.

URL Decode

URL decoding is the reverse process of URL encoding. It is a process of converting encoded special characters in a URL back to their original format. In URL encoding, special characters are replaced with a "%" symbol followed by two hexadecimal digits, and URL decoding converts these encoded characters back to their original format.

For example, the encoded space character "%20" is decoded as a space character, the encoded exclamation mark "%21" is decoded as an exclamation mark (!), and the encoded ampersand "%26" is decoded as an ampersand (&).

You can use the built-in function decodeURIComponent() in JavaScript or urllib.parse.unquote() in Python to URL decode a string.

For example, in JavaScript:

var encodedString = "https%3A%2F%2Ffacia.dev%2Ftools%2Fencode-decode%2Furl-decode%2F";
var decodedString = decodeURIComponent(encodedString);
console.log(decodedString); // "https://facia.dev/tools/encode-decode/url-decode/"

In python:

import urllib.parse
encoded_string = "https%3A%2F%2Ffacia.dev%2Ftools%2Fencode-decode%2Furl-decode%2F"
decoded_string = urllib.parse.unquote(encoded_string)
print(decoded_string) // "https://facia.dev/tools/encode-decode/url-decode/"

URL Encode Options

Below are customisation options available in the URL Decode tool.

  • Multi Line Support: This URL Encode tool allow users to encode multiple URLs at once, which can save time and effort.

  • File upload: Some tools allow users to upload a file containing multiple URLs, which can then be encoded or decoded in bulk.

  • Saving encoded URLs in file format: This tool provide an option to save the encoded URLs in a .txt file format.

  • Multiple Encoding or decoding format support: This tool provide an option to encode the URLs in different formats such as UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, and ASCII.

In addition to decoding, this tool also provides encoding service which help to convert the decoded URL back to its original format. You can use URL Encode Tool to convert it back.