Base64 Encode

Input Text
Encoded Text

Waiting for input.

Base64 Encode Options

Base64 Encode Online Tool

Online Base64 encoder tool allows users to convert any type of file, documents, into a Base64 encoded string. This string can then be easily transmitted or stored in a variety of systems, such as databases or file systems. The process is simple: users simply select the file they wish to encode and the tool will generate the corresponding Base64 string.

Base64 encoding is a process of converting binary data into a text-based format that can be easily transmitted and stored in a variety of systems. The encoded data is represented by a set of 64 characters, which includes letters, numbers, and special characters. The process works by dividing the data into 6-bit chunks and then converting each chunk into an ASCII representation. This base64 encoder supports "UTF-16, unicode strings" like ✓ , emojis etc.

One of the main advantages of using an online Base64 encoder tool is the convenience it provides. Users do not need to download or install any additional software and can easily encode or decode data from any device with an internet connection. You can use this Base64 online toolfor free and do not require any registration or login.

It is important to note that while Base64 encoding provides a simple and efficient way to transmit and store binary data, it does not provide any encryption or security. Therefore, it is not recommended for use in situations where data security is a concern.

How to encode to Base64 format online?

Simply enter text to be encoded in above input box and click encode button. This will instantly encode the text to base64 format. multi string mode enables encoding of multiple text at same time just enter each text in newlines.

If you need to encode base64 programmatically then refer below topics. Ensure you are covering unicode edge cases in encoding process and decode.

You can also use our Base64 decode tool to decode the base64 encoded text.

How to Base64 encode programmatically?

Base64 encode used to convert strings and unicode string to transmit data over network and decode it back without loss. This approach is being used is widely popular and there are tested libraries in many language for the same.

Javascript Base64 Encode

In JavaScript, the btoa() function can be used to encode binary data in Base64.

var original_data = "Hello, World!";
var encoded_data = btoa(original_data);

The encoded data will be a string that can be transmitted or stored in a variety of systems. It should be noted that the btoa() function only works with 8-bit data, if you need to work with other character encodings like UTF-8, you will need to use a library like TextEncoder.

var original_data = "Hello, World!";
var enc = new TextEncoder();
var encoded_data = btoa(enc.encode(original_data));

It's also worth mentioning that there are also some libraries available for javascript like crypto-js, js-base64 that provides more functionality for encoding and decoding base64.

Python Base64 Encode

In Python, the base64 module provides functions for encoding and decoding Base64 data. To encode binary data in Base64, you can use the b64encode() function from the base64 module.

Here's an example of how to Base64 encode a string in Python:

import base64
original_data = "Hello, World!"
encoded_data = base64.b64encode(original_data.encode())

The encoded data will be a bytes object, you can decode the bytes object to string by calling the decode() function.


It should be noted that the b64encode() function expects its input to be bytes, so if you're working with a string, you'll need to encode it first. Also, the output will be bytes, if you want to work with a string you need to decode it.

It's also worth mentioning that there are other libraries like pybase64 which provides more functionality for encoding and decoding base64.